While InfluenceKit can automatically report on nearly all the stats your sponsors want to see, Instagram Story link clicks are some of the few stats that Facebook doesn't provide automatically. Not to worry, we've made it super easy to add them manually!
Here's how to add link clicks and other stats to Instagram Stories:
The Steps:
Choose the Stories you'd like to add to your report.
Hover over the story and click the βοΈ (pencil icon), this will reveal the Add Custom Stat modal.
Label your stats (this is what will show up on the report) ie. "Link clicks".
Choose a Metric Type. Tip: Link clicks are considered Engagements.
Add the metric Value as a number (eg. 550)
βNOTE: don't include commas or punctuation in the custom stat value field.
That's it! Add as many stats as you like!
If you have more questions, chat with us or email help@influencekit.com