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How to Accept an Assignment From a Sponsor

When brands want to work with you via InfluenceKit, they'll send an assignment

Updated over a week ago

Brands can streamline their influencer marketing workflow by using Influencer Hub. Content creators keep control over their own data, share all the metrics brands need, and get to see the reports for their own sponsored content. We think it's a win-win for everyone.

Here's a walkthrough of how it works:

How to accept an assignment from a brand:

If a brand invites you to participate in an assignment, you'll receive an assignment signup link that looks like this:

You may also get an e-mail inviting you to join the assignment, like this:

If you click the link, you'll be asked to create a new InfluenceKit account. Enter the name of your blog/company to get started.

(Note, if you already have an InfluenceKit account, click 'Already have an account?' to sign in and view the assignment).

Then, you'll be prompted to enter your account user information:

Remember: your InfluenceKit account belongs to YOU, not the brand or sponsor.
This means you remain in control over what content and metrics get shared with the brand. We want to make it easy for you to show your value to the sponsor, help them prove their ROI, while maintaining your privacy.

Next, add your logo:

The next step is to connect your social and analytics account. Doing this makes it possible for InfluenceKit to pull metrics to show the performance of the content you create. You will always have control over who sees your reports. InfluenceKit never sells or shares your data.

Click the platform you want to connect:

After your accounts are connected, click on the 'Assignments' icon in the sidebar navigation menu:

Then you can view all your assignments:

When viewing an assignment, you can accept, decline, or leave a comment for the brand/sponsor:

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