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Influencer Hub Surveys

Get feedback, testimonials, and project details from your influencers

Updated over 11 months ago

Your influencers can be your first point of contact with your ideal customer base, and are a great source of feedback and insights about your products and campaigns.

What can I do with Surveys?

  • Ask influencers how they liked the product samples you sent them

  • Collect testimonials for social media or your website

  • Collect product selections, shipping information, and project idea submissions

  • Ask for content ideas for future collabs

  • Gain insight into how influencers felt about your campaign

How to add a survey to an Influencer Hub Assignment

An Assignment can have multiple surveys. On the assignment details page, look for the 'Surveys' menu item:

Then, enter the survey details. The "Message" is shown to the influencer before starting the survey, while the "After survey message" is what they see after submitting their response.

You can choose to leave the survey unpublished for now (so that influencers won't see it) and change it to 'published' after you've added all the questions.

After saving, you'll see a button to start adding questions:

Choose from a number of question types:

  • Short - single-line text answers (e.g. "What is your ZIP code?")

  • Select - multiple choice

  • Checkbox - multiple select boxes (e.g. "Which of these foods do you like to eat?")

  • Radio - single choice (e.g. "Do you agree to these terms? Yes or no.")

  • Date - date entry field

  • Information - no user entry, just used to add additional explanatory text to the survey

  • FileUpload - allows multiple files to be uploaded

Tip - you can use the 'Information' question type to add information content to the survey, like an image:

How to add an image to a survey

Once you've added all the questions, you can publish the survey by clicking 'Edit' in the survey dropdown menu:

And then toggle the 'Published' setting:

You can also choose whether you want to allow influencers to respond only once, or multiple times.

Once a survey is published, your influencers will see a button on their assignment page where they can click to begin completing it.

Please note: at this time, there's no automated notification for the influencer when the survey is published. You may want to message influencers to let them know.

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